Annual General Meeting, 8 Dec 2017
The Kosciuszko to Coast Partnership held its AGM Annual General Meeting on 8 Dec 2017. This news includes the Chair's Report, including a more detailed Addenda, item reports on meeting, the K2C Incorporated President's Report, and the Auditor's report.
The AGM heard reports from the K2C Chair (Geoff Robertson) and Treasurer (Tony Robinson). Tony who is also President of K2C Incorporated, the financial and administrative arm of K2C, presented a report on K2C Incorporated and the Auditor's Report. Tony thanked the Auditor Keith Jones for his support over many years. There was much discussion of that challenges ahead for K2C mentioned in the Chair's report.
The K2C Executive Committee elected are: Chair: Geoff Robertson, Vice chair: Karen Williams, Treasurer: Tony Robinson, and Committee members: Jenny Bounds, Rebecca Bradley, John Briggs, John Fitz Gerald, Rod Griffiths, Debbie Hunt and Mike Thompson. Anyone who would like to take on the position of Secretary would be welcome.
The K2C Incorporated Executive Committee elected at the K2C Incorporated AGM that followed are: Chair & Treasurer: Tony Robinson, Vice president: Geoff Robertson, Committee: John Fitz Gerald and Debbie Hunt. Anyone who would like to take on the position of Secretary would be welcome.
K2C Chair’s Report
Geoff Robertson
2017 - a year of achievement
Kosciuszko to Coast (K2C) is a partnership of 14 conservation and NRM partners that together aim to share their experience and to deliver a range of NRM services. The key targets that K2C has identified are grasslands, woodlands, wetlands and valley floor watercourses, small bush birds, arboreal mammals and threatened forest vegetation communities. The main forum for the partners is its two monthly executive meeting.
In the Dreamtime, K2C employed a full-time facilitator. However, with the gradual withdrawal of public funding this became a part-time position. To maintain a full-time position we were able to attract a number of projects that were consistent with our targets. This acceptable state of affairs has further deteriorated and now we have been reduced to part-time projects.
Nevertheless, K2C has had a very successful year. The main achievements have been to:
- Deliver a number of highly innovative projects successfully.
- Be strong advocates for the environment.
- Hold a successful forum and six mini forums.
- Resurrect the website.
- Issue a monthly and improved Kosciuszko to Coast Update despatched to just under 1000 people.
- Hold two-monthly successful meetings of the K2C executive committee.
- Provided strong support to partners and friends and received support from them.
On the down side we have:
- Had some problems in delivering elements of our projects - possibly because we have over promised but bare in mind in many projects we have been pushing the envelop.
- Our contractors have likely put in many more hours than what they are paid for.
- Our volunteers have likely put in many more hours than what they are paid for.
Committee and contractors
At the last AGM, only the officer holder position that was filled was that of Treasurer. The people elected to our committee were: Tim Wong, John Fitz Gerald, John Briggs, Rainer Rehwinkel, Gorgeanna Story, Peter Saunders, Debbie Hunt, Rebecca Bradley, Rod Griffiths, Jenny Bound and Felicity Sturgiss. Rainer took on the position of acting Chair until he stood down earlier this year when I took over. John has handled many secretarial responsibilities, without which we would have faced chaos. Apart from Felicity who was unable to attend meetings and Peter who translocated to the NT, all committee members have contributed significantly to K2C efforts and on behalf of K2C I would like to thank them.
Thank you
Members of the Committee have greatly helped behind the scene, including arranging our forum and mini forums which have greatly contributed to our moving forward. Our contractors, Lesley Peden, Maya Potapowicz and Ryl Parker have done a fabulous job. I would also like to mention Lauren van Dyke who, until I took over our website and e-Bulletin, kept our website and eBulletin coming out. I would also like to thank Sheridan Roberts who was a great assistance in creating our website.
Challenges ahead
We have many challenges ahead. By June 2018, project funding will disappear. We share this situation with many similar organisations. Also, Tony Robinson and John Fitz Gerald wish to step down after many years of fantastic service. In any event, the current structure is likely not sustainable and a different approach is likely required. We will call a Special Meeting sometime in the next six-seven months to offer future options, including possibly winding up. However, in the meantime we are all giving K2C our best and if it is decided to close, we will go out out with a bang and not a whimper.
Across our conservation movement we have common problems: a poor model for delivering community-based conservation services, totally inadequate funding, and an ageing of volunteers to mention a few. On the other hand we have many younger people who are well qualified in ecology and related sciences and greater support for biodiversity and the environment.
We need public policy to realise:
- The quantum of funding for the environment needs to increase.
- Better aggregate and regional statistical data are required on the condition of our landscapes, vegetation communities and ecosystems, and threatened species. Here steps to progress environment accounts are welcomed.
- Organisations that provide the infrastructure to deliver conservation programs need to be adequately funded and on an ongoing basis.
- The competitive funding model for funding the environment, which is based on poor economic thinking, needs to be replaced by a co-operative funding model - this includes removal of fuzzy thinking about monitoring project delivery.
Elections are coming up and those concerned with biodiversity need to make this a public issue.
As individuals we need to look at what we might each may contribute and have the courage to do so.
Addenda to Chair’s Report
Membership lists
We have executive, partner, associate member and supporter lists. The combined executive and partner list consists of 53 people, this combined with Associate membership list consists of 113 people, and these are included in our landholder support list which consists of 960 recipients. The number for the latter keeps dropping as a large number withdraw from mailing list - we have no control over this.
Those on partner list and Associate member list are invited to Mini forums. For this AGM and Mini Forum everyone on our landholder list were invited.
Community Engagement Workshop: How community-based groups might improve their messages & create a greater following, 21 July, Jerrabomberra Community Centre, with Debbie Hunt, Alison Whealing and Lorraine Oliver.
Mini Forums
Ecology, data, the community and connectivity, 17 Feb, with Rainer Rehwinkel.
What makes Good Citizen Science? 21 Apr 2017, with Michael Mulvaney and Geetha Ortac.
Changes to NSW Biodiversity & Veg Laws, 16 June 2017, with Susie Lamb, Tobi Edmonds, Mike Saxon.
Setting Future Direction for ACT NRM Plan, 18 Aug with Tim Wong.
Bidding for Regional Land Partnership Funds, 20 Oct 2017 with Jo Roberts.
ACT government approach to weed management, 8 Dec 2017 with Steve Taylor.
K2C Website
The (
K2C Regional Events and News Update
First issue in 2017 was released in late March-Early April. This was the last issued by Lauren van Dyke who had done much behind the scenes work for a long time.
Eight monthly issues have been released since April. Last issue was December (released in late Nov).
Name was changes to Kosciuszko to Coast Update with August issue.
This is sent to about 960 recipients. The number has varied with a large number falling off the list on each occasion.
Yass Gorge - Being a Good Neighbour to the Bush
The project aims to make Yass residents aware of the tremendous natural asset of Yass Gorge. The vegetation consists of several communities including natural temperate grasslands, a threatened ecological community, and a rich riverine community. The Gorge has many plants, birds and other fauna that are otherwise rare in the area. According to Dennis Dyer, geologically the Gorge is world famous. This project follows on from an earlier K2C project working closely with the Friends of Yass Gorge. This project has been assisted by the NSW Government through its Environmental Trust.
The project includes education/engagement methods such as training workshops, field days, preparation of resource materials, an information booklet, installation of photo-monitoring points and flora plots for citizen science monitoring, and promotion through advertisements in the local media, door-knocking and letterbox-drops.
Lesley Peden initiated this project. Maya Potapowicz was employed on this project from August 2016 to June 2017 when Ryl Parker took over the project. Some fantastic events have been delivered by this project.
Land for Wildlife NSW and ACT
The Land for Wildlife Scheme involves assessing private rural properties and signing up owners to voluntary conservation agreements to manage the property, or part thereof, for wildlife habitat. The project also involves running awareness raising session to encourage existing participants to meet one another and to encourage potential members to have property assessments made. K2C as well as various K2C partners are delivering a Land for Wildlife program in the K2C region.
Property assessments identify special features of properties such as threatened and rare plant communities and animals, and provide advice on best management strategies. Benefits for landowners include a regular newsletter, information, opportunities to share their experiences with other landholders and partner organisations.
In New South Wales the project is coordinated by the Community Environment Network in partnership with the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage and with funding from South East Local Land Services. In the Australian Capital Territory it is funded by the ACT Government and the Community Environment Network. Lesley Peden is being contacted to deliver this project.
Save our Scarlet Robin
The Saving our Species (SOS) program, managed by Local land Services, is aimed at conserving and recovering threatened species in NSW and is assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Environmental Trust. K2C is delivering a series of workshops focused on learning about and managing habitat for Scarlet Robin and other vulnerable bush birds. The project aims to enhance the long-term viability of Scarlet Robin populations and seven other bird species listed as vulnerable in NSW: Hooded Robin, Diamond Firetail, Gang-gang Cockatoo, Glossy Black-Cockatoo, Flame Robin, Speckled Warbler and the Brown Treecreeper. Additional threatened species (co-occurring plant species) included in the project are: Black Gum, Bombay Bossiaea, Creeping Hop Bush, Small Purple pea, Silver-leaved Mountain Gum, Mauve Burr-Daisy and Silky Swainson-pea. The project has identified four distinct ‘target areas’ including Mulloon-Bombay, Burra, Michelago-Bredbo and Delegate.
The K2C project is offering a series of property visits and workshops focused on community awareness and education, private land management and conservation covenants, and the encouragement of regular monitoring for these birds and their habitat. Assistance is being provided by professional specialists, community groups, bird enthusiasts and local landholders who evaluate the success of the project and assist in the development of future decisions on threatened species management.
K2C and several partners are delivering this project in the K2C area. South East Local Land Services is responsible for overall project coordination and the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage provides technical advice, assistance and monitoring. Lesley Peden is being contacted to deliver this project.
Private Land Conservation Grant Program
This is a grant of $3,000 over three years for bush regeneration, including weed control and activities supporting the recovery of threatened species, and Land for Wildlife workshops. One event is to be held per year and the first of these has been held at the property of Gary Kadwell near Crookwell.
K2C Incorporated AGM President’s Report
Tony Robertson
K2C Incorporate continues to operate as the legal entity for Kosciuszko to Coast.
There are a number of reports that need to be provided to statutory authorities each year including:
- NSW Department of Fair Trading
- Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission
- Register of Environmental Organisations
These are all up to date.
There is also a requirement to regularly update our Committee membership details for our ABN. I have been endeavouring to obtain an AusKey to make this easier. Tobi Edmonds, our Public Officer who is listed as an Associate is assisting in this.
K2C incorporated is also the legal entity that signs off on EOIs, contracts and funding deeds for projects. See the K2C Executive Chair’s report Addenda for details.
- Local Land Services Community, Industry and Landscapes Fund – Land for Wildlife in GER Partnership Regions K2C & K2W - SE00882 - $133,218. November 2015 – May 2018.
- Local Land Services Save our Scarlet Robin program – Community Awareness Raising, Michelago and Delegate - SE1538 - $30,000 – December 2016 – June 2018: July 2021 – June 2022.
- NSW Environmental Trust – Education Community grant – Yass Gorge- being a good neighbor to the bush – 2015/ED/0048 - $44,900 – March 2016 – March 2018.
- Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife – Private Land Conservation Grants Program – 2016/303a - $3,000 – July 2016 – June 2019.
- Land for Wildlife assessments. A Third Party Agreement with the Community Environment Network to carry these Assessments in designated areas in the K2C and K2W region. Payments to our contractor to CEN or ACT Government are managed through K2C Incorporated.
- ACT Government 2017-2018 ACT Environment Grants – Canberra Nature Map Enhancements – Citizen scientists detecting and protecting ACTs wildlife – Sponsor for application prepared by Michael Mulvaney for Canberra Nature Map - $21,125
Keith Jones (Auditor)
Auditors Opinion
I have audited the accounts and associated source documents of K2C Incorporated for the
year ended 30 June 2017. The Committee members are responsible for the preparation and presentation of the accounts and the information they contain. I have conducted an
independent audit of the accounts in order to express an opinion of them to members of the Association.
I report that, in my opinion:
- the accounts are properly drawn up so as to give a true and fair state of affairs of the Association as at 30 June 2017 and the result of the Association for the year ended on that date; and
- the accounting records and other records and registers required to be kept under the NSW Associations Incorporation Act 2009 by the Association have been properly kept in accordance with the law.
Recommendations for future accounts
- There is no trial balance which should be able to be created in the accounting system. Such would significantly assist the audit process. However, I have again relied upon the various financial reports including the general ledger and the K2C Income/Expenditure and Balance Sheet statements.
Other notes
- We had discussed previously, by way of email, the financial position of the organisation as at 30 June 2015. Reserves (net equity) are now in a healthier position of approximately $5189. Such reserves are reflected by assets being Bank ($41885) and Accounts Receivable ($1200) less liabilities being Unspent Grants ($31737) and GST payable ($4959). Prima facie, the organisation is managing within the constraints of its various grants.
- The documentation for your organisation's contractors continues to be appropriate and payment of Super Guarantee is a conservative (but sensible) way in which to deal with the issue of independent contractors.
- please continue to maintain separate records of your organisation's DGR donations. It is a simple matter to look at that account separately. Other issues noted by you are fine and have been noted.
All the best to the ongoing good work of your organisation.
Dated: 6th November 2017
K2C Annual Accounts 2016-17 |
2011-12 |
2012-13 |
2013-14 |
2014-15 |
2015-16 |
2016-17 |
Income |
Fees |
109,809 |
293,892 |
264,442 |
107,838 |
66,284 |
81,837 |
Membership |
77 |
0 |
18 |
43 |
23 |
23 |
Donations |
6,360 |
0 |
220 |
2,530 |
0 |
53 |
Other |
0 |
727 |
0 |
98 |
280 |
0 |
Interest |
153 |
4,167 |
3898 |
1590 |
316 |
344 |
Total income |
116,400 |
298,787 |
268,578 |
112,099 |
66,904 |
82,257 |
Expenditure |
Suppliers - major |
89,869 |
226,476 |
191,554 |
160,451 |
50,376 |
55,752 |
Suppliers - minor |
20,200 |
22,324 |
17,585 |
0 |
Insurance |
782 |
0 |
545 |
436 |
436 |
445 |
Bank fees |
32 |
12 |
36 |
14 |
0 |
0 |
Auditor’s fees |
950 |
400 |
400 |
450 |
Other project (see below) |
825 |
16,295 |
19,482 |
25,197 |
11,978 |
25,189 |
Other |
0 |
0 |
1,000 |
0 |
341 |
0 |
Total expenditure |
91,508 |
262,983 |
235,892 |
204,084 |
63,531 |
81,837 |
Surplus |
24,892 |
35,804 |
32,686 |
-91,985 |
3,372 |
420 |
Balance sheet |
Assets |
Bank account |
194,912 |
77,188 |
121,812 |
1,169 |
67,393 |
41,885 |
Accounts receivable |
52,917 |
0 |
2,000 |
0 |
1,200 |
GST refundable |
1,692 |
0 |
1,950 |
0 |
0 |
Total assets |
194,912 |
131,797 |
121,812 |
5,119 |
67,393 |
43,085 |
Liabilities |
Creditors & borrowers |
Unspent grants |
137,009 |
41,443 |
11,015 |
0 |
51,774 |
32,937 |
Owing to Suppliers |
8,502 |
22,880 |
0 |
3,722 |
0 |
0 |
Accounts payable |
6,778 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Unbanked cheque |
8,055 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Loans |
13,282 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Provisions for GST |
16,455 |
0 |
4,133 |
0 |
10,850 |
4,959 |
Total liabilities |
170,020 |
71,101 |
28,430 |
3,722 |
62,624 |
37,896 |
Net equity |
24,892 |
60,696 |
93,382 |
1,397 |
4,769 |
5,189 |
Change in equity |
35,804 |
32,686 |
-91,985 |
3,372 |
420 |