Changes to NSW Biodiversity/ Local Land Services regulations

Call for comments by 21 June

NSW Minister for Primary Industries Niall Blair released a press release on 10 May on proposed changes to regulations under the NSW legislation. The regulations, codes and guidelines and other documents released for public comment are: a draft principal Biodiversity Conservation Regulation and its supporting regulatory impact statement, a draft Local Land Services Amendment Regulation, a draft Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Biodiversity Conservation) Regulation, an Explanation of Intended Effects for a State Environmental Planning Policy (Vegetation), a draft Land Management (Native Vegetation) Code, a draft Biodiversity Assessment Method, a draft Accreditation Scheme for the Application of the Biodiversity Assessment Method, an example of a Sensitive Biodiversity Values Land Map, draft guidance for considering serious and irreversible impacts, and a draft offsets payment calculator and user manual.

NSW Environment Minister Gabrielle Upton said the reforms were backed by an unprecedented investment of $100 million in the Saving Our Species program, as well as $240 million over five years, and $70 million each year after that, for private land conservation. “These reforms also put in place strong protections for native plants and animals including threatened species,” Ms Upton said.

Consultation closes on 21 June and the reforms will commence on 25 August 2017. For more information, visit Find Press Statement at
