It’s a wetland!
Join us at Maffra Lake TSR and later for lunch. Event organised by K2C South East LLS & Friends of Grasslands
- It’s a wetland!
- 2018-04-28T10:30:00+10:00
- 2018-04-28T14:15:00+10:00
- Join us at Maffra Lake TSR and later for lunch. Event organised by K2C South East LLS & Friends of Grasslands
28 Apr, 2018 from 10:30 AM to 02:15 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1000)
Maffra Lake TSR & Dalgety Pub
All welcome but you must register
You know that part of the paddock that goes under water certain times of the year. Or that boggy patch that has different plants growing in it?
Come and find out more about Monaro lakes and the values that these kinds of wetlands have - for you and the environment.
In the morning we will Explore Maffra Lake TSR and find out what plants are growing at Maffra TSR, why the Monaro has amazing ephemeral wetlands, and what plants and animals rely on these environments in our landscape.
After lunch we have lined up the following speakers:
- Alie Cowood (Wetland Scientist, Institute for Applied Ecology, Uni of Canberra): The plumbing of the Monaro lakes - their formation & expected impacts of climate change.
- Donna Hazell (Wetland Ecologist at South East Local Land Services, Braidwood): What are ephemeral wetlands and why are they so valuable for landholders and the environment
- Nicki Taws (Bird Expert, Greening Australia): Value of Monaro wetlands for migratory birds. David Eddy (Grassland Specialist, Local Land Services SLM, Cooma) Grasslands and other
- plant values of the Monaro lakes.
RSVP essential for catering purposes
Contact or 6241 4065 by 5pm Wed 25 April.