K2C applies for grant to support CNM, 24 Aug

24 AUGUST 2017. K2C has sponsored an ACT Environment grant application for $21,600 to strengthen and improve Canberra Nature Map (CNM).

Those familiar with CNM will be aware that it enables observers to photo and record images of plants, fungi, birds, reptiles, frogs, invertebrates, and more recently fish and record them on CNM. These records are moderated and mapped and thus CNM builds up a map of distribution of each species. CNM is also available as iPhone and Android Apps.

CNM more or less coincides with the K2C region and so is a valuable tool to record the biodiversity assets across the K2C region. A sister map, Atlas of the Coastal Wilderness, covers the south east coastal region of K2C. CNM is also a powerful educational tool as it is a very practical way for people of all ages and skills to learn about regional species and science.

The grant will: strengthen and improve many aspects of the Apps; add a feature to record habitat features and link them to particular species; allow rural lesses/landowners/landcarers to record and view species for their properties/sites; enable the special recording of survey type events; give a stronger focus to targeting particular plants, animals and weeds; and other improvements.

Each of these will be welcomed additions and will assist each K2C partners and landowners and landcarers to to become more knowledgeable of what is on our land. Each will also will be a step forward in citizen science in the K2C region.
