Prickly Pear infestation at Yass Gorge, 22 Apr

Prickly Pear infestation at Yass Gorge, 22 Apr

Prickly Pear proves hard to remove manually...


A working bee tackling a Prickly Pear infestation was held on top of a cliff within the Yass Gorge. After a few hours we seemed to make only a small dent in the infestation, and this led the group to think of more efficient and effective ways of managing it. Hand removal was not only painful (darn spiny, hairy plants these prickly pears) but slow. Local landcare legend Ross Webster followed up the day by spraying out the remaining plants to determine the effectiveness of a chemical control alternative.

This is one of the many activities being undertaken through K2C's Being a Good Neighbour to the Bush project working with Friends of Yass Gorge and assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Environmental Trust. Maya Potapowicz
