Save our Scarlet Robin (SOSR) Workshop, 18 Nov 2017

Despite the threatening rain that put off some from attending, the Save our Scarlet Robin workshop held at the property Gill and Tony Robinson, near Michalego, went ahead. The Kosciuszko to Coast workshop on Biodiversity, Revegetation and Habitat Rehabilitation aimed to explain what steps can be taken to conserve small bush birds, many of which are under threat. The K2C SOSR project is funded by the NSW Environment Trust.

The workshop covered many presentations to assist landowners to learn about how to manage and revegetate their properties so that they become havens for threatened bird species. Presentations covered what is ideal vegetation and habitat for small bush birds (Georgeanna Story), a film produced by David Lindenmyer who has supervised research on threatened bird species for many years - he announced that his research is showing how many bird species are recovering, how Canberra Nature Map may be used to learn about and contribute to our knowledge of bird conservation (Geoff Robertson), and work taking place on the local iconic Small Purple Pea (John Briggs). Unfortunately, the rain prevented a walk around the property to see a good case study of what can be achieved - another time maybe.

Thanks Gill and Tony for sharing your property with us. It was a great day.