Adventures in Grasslands, ANPS, 8 Feb
Presentation on Grasslands by Geoff Robertson to the Australian Native Plant Society
- Adventures in Grasslands, ANPS, 8 Feb
- 2018-02-08T19:30:00+11:00
- 2018-02-08T21:30:00+11:00
- Presentation on Grasslands by Geoff Robertson to the Australian Native Plant Society
08 Feb, 2018 from 07:30 PM to 09:30 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1100)
The Theatrette, Australian National Botanic Gardens, Clunies Ross St, Acton
All welcome
Geoff’s presentation will focus on the richness of grasslands in our region and the beauty and diversity of grasses, daisies, orchids, peas, many other plant species, and grassland flora. He will also discuss the different types of grasslands and grassy woodlands; management issues: grazing, fire, weeds and feral animals, urban encroachment, lack of image & resources; using traditional Aboriginal land management issues; grasslands, their management and associated advocacy issues; and grassland plants in the home gardens, weed watch and Canberra Nature Map.
The meeting commences at 7.30pm. The gates to the ANBG are opened at 7.00pm for people to enter. At about 7.45pm the gates are closed but not locked. That allows latecomers to enter, and for people to leave after the meeting. The meeting area is attended from 7.00 pm and there are books and usually plants on sale from about 7.10 pm. There is a supper after the meeting.