Bland Shire Wildflower Walk

Spring Wildflower Walk at Gubbata with local native plant enthusiast, 93 year old Elsie Allison

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI011-002

The issue

Increasing the communities knowledge of native plant species and their ability to identify local endemic species in order to build their care for the environment and local natural resources.

It's more likely that individuals and the community will have a vested interest in both the protection and appreciation of native plants when they have improved knowledge of those species that are native and those that aren't.


The solution

The annual Bland Shire Wildflower Walk was held on the 7th October 2016. The day is coordinated between Bland Shire Council, the Lake Cowal Foundation, Riverina Local Land Services and Lachlandcare.

A bus of keen locals travelled to Gubbata, 90 kilometers north-west of West Wyalong with the incredible 93 year old Elsie Allison and her grand daughter Linda Thomas.

Elsie is a long time lover of native plants and wildflowers who has an amazing knowledge of the wildflowers in the district. Did we mention she's 93?! and still making her way through the reserve scouring for plants.

The day allowed people to wander looking for plants, sharing knowledge and discussing identification and anecdotes. Elsie and Linda were supported by an individual from each of the collaborating organisations.

The impact

Its been shown that when people learn how to ID plants they are then able to go off and identify the plants on their own property (often not realising just how many local endemic species are present). This can then help provide them with a greater understanding and care for the natural environment.

Elsie Allison was presented with a certificate acknowledging her longstanding dedication to and willingness share her knowledge of wildflowers in the Bland Shire.

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • 32 people in attendance
  • Native plant ID skills improved
  • Broad cross section of the community represented
  • Many wildflowers spotted from everlastings to orchids to daisies and lots more in between

Project Partners