Temora Women in Agriculture Fourm
A resilient community of rural women on the land
Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI011-040
The issue
Diversification of businesses can help risk management when farms hit tough times and help create more resilient and sustainable farms. Some local farming businesses are already diversifying and value adding to products on farm, but there was little information available locally on how to get started , what information is out there and where to get it.
Women were the targeted audience of the project as attendance at many industry information talks and events are dominated by men. So, in acknowledging and celebrating the role of women within the farming business, ladies were the focus of the project.
The solution
A community grant from Riverina Local Land funded, a forum style event held at Temora on the 28 th of February 2019. The second of two planned events, this time featuring presentations from Matt Doyle on Regenerative farming at his Yass property, Brooke French on holistic management, Mark McCrone on farm biodiversity, Julie Mills from Active Farmers, Estelle Cooper from Tocal and Jacqui Walsh from TAFE. Local business woman Teresa McCrone also shared her personal stories and journey to create her pine nut plantation, Red Hen Catering and Patchwork Inn B n B businesses. Over lunch and a taste testing of the local Koorambi Winez, Michael Harper shared his story of turning a love of gardening into a cellar door micro winery.
The impact
Women attending the event took home ideas and inspiration to improve and diversify their farming business. Networking and discussion time during lunch increased the connectivity of local women and provide a resource hub of information. This free event was also a refuge for women on the land to take a break, relax and socialise in this time of drought. In addition an online Facebook group was created to keep these conversations going and there are plans in the future to create an Ag n Chat group.
Key facts
- 57 women attending
- 9 speakers
- 8 businesses