Landcare in Lake Macquarie is a partnership between Lake Macquarie City Council and its Community Landcare Volunteers

Council provides support through the Landcare Support Team and the Landcare Resource Centre. Council also provides training, hands on support. local native plants and insurance.

Lake Macquarie Landcare Volunteer Network provides a representative voice for the City's 200 plus Landcare Groups.

The Groups work to address natural area degradation in their local bushland, beach,creek or wetland.

A Successful Structure

Landcare activities in Lake Macquarie are guided and supported through a partnership between volunteers, Lake Macquarie Landcare Volunteer Network Incorporated and Lake Macquarie City Council.

Volunteers in more than 200 Landcare Groups contribute to on-ground works across Lake Macquarie. Some also attend meetings, provide representation through the Volunteer Network, and monitor and convey vital information about projects and issues.

The Lake Macquarie Landcare Volunteer Network is the collective voice of more than 200 groups ensuring that Landcare continues to be grassroots driven. The Network provides a structure for community input into the management of Lake Macquarie Landcare and associated issues such as insurance, development of policy, business of the Network and governance.  The Network also attracts funding and donations through its Public Fund listing.

Lake Macquarie City Council (LMCC) provides a vast array of support and mechanisms that ensure appropriate management of natural areas, resources, staff and volunteers.

LMCC employs a range of staff to support Lake Macquarie Landcare including:
Landcare Coordinator and Landcare Projects Officer
Finance and Administration Officer
Landcare Network and Administration Support Officer
Communication officer, Publication and Grants Officer
Landcare Support Officers
Landcare Nursery Officer

Related Groups

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02 49210392

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02 49210392

Awaba Bay Landcare Group

Mary McPhillips
49504704 (mob: 0413 285 961)
Lake Macquarie, NSW

Balcolyn Boat Ramp Landcare

C/- Lake Macquarie Landcare
02 49210392

Balcolyn Elite

C/- Lake Macquarie Landcare
02 49210392

Balcolyn Foreshore Landcare

C/- Lake Macquarie Landcare
02 49210392

Ballantrae Street Landcare Group

C/- Lake Macquarie Landcare
02 49210392

Bangalay Reserve Landcare Group

C/- Lake Macquarie Landcare
02 49210392
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