The group works along the Lisgar Road edge of Lisgar Gardens
Natural and Cultural Heritage
- Soil derived from Hawkesbury Sandstone.
- Vegetation community L: Eucalyptus pilularis - Angophora costata -Syncarpia glomulifera tall open forest.
- Lisgar Gardens is listed as being of regional heritage significance
- The property previously belonged to Max Cotton who had purchased the land from his brother Leo - owner of the neighbouring Florence Cotton Reserve - to create a hillside garden. The gardens land was purchased by Hornsby Shire Council in 1967. The name ‘Lisgar’ derives from Sir John Young who was made Baron Lisgar of Lisgar & Baillieborough, following a distinguished career as Governor General of NSW and later as Governor General of Canada.
Conservation Status
Reserve contains vegetation of local conservation significance
Reserve contains significant bushland habitat

Condition / Impacts
Bushland sites include a block at the eastern edge of the gardens below residential development and creek line vegetation along the southern perimeter. The eastern area along with Lisgar North Bushland is in very poor condition, with only the canopy intact and some mid-storey native species remaining. Creek line vegetation varies from very poor - good, as is the case throughout the adjacent Florence Cotton Reserve. Highly weed infested areas (poor) correspond to localised water drainage lines. Very good condition creek side vegetation is also present,signified in the south-west corner of the reserve by an abundant presence of native ground orchids.
Main Weeds
Wandering Jew, Impatiens, Ginger Lily, Elephant Ears, Privet, Camphor Laurel, Ochna
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