Creek Protection, Planting and Pizza

Creek Protection, Planting and Pizza

The Oakey Park Creekcare Group is calling for assistance from neighbours and local Landcarers to spare a couple of hours to help spread thick mulch around native plantings, plus help put in a few more of them.


21 Aug, 2018 from 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1000)


Oakey Park - Corner of

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What we will do:

* Spread 60 cubic metres of mulch to provide moisture retention and weed protection for new plantings.

* Establish perimeter plantings.

* Manage weeds and erosion along this section of creekline, revegetate with native species and help restore aquatic biodiversity.


What a great way to spend a cool winter afternoon - looking after our creekline and dinner is sorted with pizza to follow!