Swamped by Threats
Partnerships supporting the protection of endangered vegetation communities
Stronger Together - LLCI002-007
The issue
The uplands swamps of the Newnes Plateau within the Lithgow LGA are listed as an endangered ecological community (EEC) under the EPBC Act 1999. These swamps, known as Temperate Highland Peat Swamps on Sandstone, provide specialised habitat for swamp-dependent plants and animals including threatened species such as the Giant Dragonfly and Dean's Boronia. Invasive woody weeds are a constant threat to these vulnerable ecosystems.
The solution
The 10-year NSW Environmental Trust funded 'Saving Our Species' Partnership Grants Program involving eight project partners has been developed to protect and enhance the upland swamps of the Newnes Plateau and Blue Mountains. This will help secure the threatened species that rely on them.
Lithgow Oberon Landcare Association (LOLA) is a project partner, and a Committee representative sits on the Steering Committee. LOLA’s role has involved supporting, coordinating and re-invigorating the volunteer effort in two key locations on the Newnes Plateau near Lithgow - both in Browns and Kerma Swamps.
The impact
Addressing threats and improving the condition of the swamps through activities such as erosion control, stormwater management, access management, pest control and monitoring are essential to their survival. The Swamped by Threats project has provided a framework for a partnership approach to looking after our swamps. It ensures everyone involved in land management in these areas are sharing information, resources and supporting and promoting the protection and improvement of these precious ecosystems.
The local Clarence Dargan Landcare Group, whose membership had dwindled, has been revived through renewed support. LOLA has coordinated five work sessions reducing invasive weeds. Volunteers have been trained in minimal impact bush regeneration techniques suitable to working in such a sensitive environment.
The Group is well on the way to improving biodiversity and health of these systems as a whole. Removing woody weeds, re-establishing native vegetation and maintaining swamp integrity and function has been a key focus of supported volunteer efforts.
Key facts
- This partnership approach has helped re-invigorate the volunteer effort to in two key locations on the Newnes Plateau near Lithgow.
- Neighbours and community members have mobilised in an ongoing ‘war on weeds’ to help restore and protect our local swamps with five supported working days along with 1ha of weed infestation reduced.