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The Missing Link

Creating Corridors and Saving Remnants

Making a Difference - LLCI022-065

The issue

The impact of multiple floods, grazing in riparian areas and willow tree infestation resulted in extensive riverbank erosion and instability along the Namoi River near Boggabri in North West NSW. A lack of habitat and connectivity between remnant vegetation also meant low biodiversity.

The solution

A strategic approach was applied to riverbank rehabilitation, establishment of wildlife corridors and protection of remnant vegetation. Boggabri Landcare/Rivercare Group rehabilitated over 25km of riparian area across multiple properties with the support of grant funding. Taking advantage of a low water level, the removal of willows allowed the planting of trees and grasses with the specific goal of bank stabilisation and erosion control. Further corridors were established on the Watson's property ‘Kilmarnock’ (a cotton farm near Boggabri) which linked the newly established riparian vegetation to other important woodland remnants on the property. These remnants were fenced from stock and are home to several threatened species including two species of snakes and an Endangered Ecological Community (EEC). To reduce costs, the owners of ‘Kilmarnock’ propagated most of the trees and grasses (using local provenance) and the surplus was sold to other Landcare groups to cover costs for the Boggabri group.

The impact

The impacts have been significant not only for biodiversity, but for the cotton enterprise as well. They include a significant improvement in Koala habitat with Koalas now observed on a regular basis in the area (previously they had not been seen before), an increase in the number of bird species, a stable riverbank due to grasses being able to withstand water inundation for several weeks and importantly insecticides are no longer used due to an increase in bird and insect species which prey on pests. This important work has also been recognised through many awards including the 2015 ‘Landcare Australia Innovation in Sustainable Farming Practices’ Award and in 2017 being one of three finalists for the ‘Gerald Carnie Landcare Award’, which recognises significant role models and leaders in Landcare. This work has also gained significant interest from researchers including three PhD projects through the University of New England.


Trialling of different species in various soil types helped determine the most suitable trees and grasses to use in different areas. These remnants and corridors are critical for habitat and the movement of certain species and will play a vitally important role in managing populations into the future.

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • Over 16,000 trees planted covering 80 hectares and extending over 25km along the Namoi River.
  • Far reaching benefits for the riparian areas and farming systems including elimination of insecticides, stabilisation of the riverbank and long term sustainability.
  • New corridors created habitat for Koalas never seen before in the local area.