Controlling Riverbank Erosion At Nulla Nulla Ck Project
Restoring Riparian Areas of the Macleay through local relations and Partnerships
Collaborations - NSWLP-022 - 001
The issue
Following the recent La Nina period experienced in the Macleay, many properties have encountered erosion events resulting in loss of land and in some cases infrastructure, and stock. Macleay Landcare was awarded a Habitat Action Grant which was used to rehabilitate the riverbank along Nulla Nulla Ck to help support native fish populations in the area.
The solution
"The aim of this program was to restore the native rainforest that would have once bordered the creek to reduce the risk of the channel mobilizing, causing more issues for the landholder and aquatic fauna," Landcare Officer Louis said. We installed log jams to deflect flood forces from eroding the riverbank, fenced cattle out, and replanted the area with rainforest trees.
The impact
- fenced cattle out from 70 meters of creek
- replanted 550 rainforest trees & broadcast-seeded winter rye to gain ground cover as soon as possible
- installed woody debris for fish habitat & flow deflection
Key facts
- - excluded stock from approx. 70 meters of creek
- - re planted 550 rainforest species
- - improved woody debris in the stream