Landscape Linkages Program in the Macleay
Landscape Linkages Program outcomes in the Macleay Valley
Community Participation - NSWLP-024-002
The issue
The Landscape Linkages Program, delivered in partnership with the North Coast Local Land Services had a scope for filling in priority corridors identified through spatial analysis prioritization process. Macleay Landcare delivered the project by identifying receptive landholders within the valley in high-priority areas to either improve habitat for use or establish corridor connections.
The solution
Macleay Landcare was able to build on other project outcomes associated with previously delivered projects by working with 3 key landholders in the valley. This meant developing plan of works from site visits/assessments and then making arrangements with the landholders, managing and supervising contractor work and reporting outcomes to the local community.
The impact
MLN was able to deliver 7 Km of fencing to exclude cattle from a Creek in the mid catchment region. We were also able to fence cattle out and plant 1Ha of an area show to be high priority wildlife corridor to reestablish a patch of rainforest connection and regenerate 10Ha of prime Wildlife habitat.
Community relationships are highly important for environmental outcomes
Local knowledge facilitates priority landscape connections
Working together is the most effective way to restore our landscape
.- 1 Ha planted out to restore lowland rainforest
-10 Ha of prime habitat regenerated
- 7 km of Creek was fenced to exclude cattle