Y2K Project

site progression of properties involved in the Y2K bush connect

Capacity to Deliver - LEP23 - 033_MacleayLC

The issue

The Y2K Bush connect is a 10 year project that started in 2017. This project aimed to fill in the gap on a climate change corridor identified by the Great Eastern Ranges mapped corridor between Yarrahapinni and Mt. Killikrankie. The project has encountered many challenges during its delivery including bushfires, floods, staff changes and other barriers but the engaged sites are establishing well and have formed an excellent legacy for our landscape and wildlife.

The solution

Current MLN staff have been maintaining consistent check ins with the remaining engaged landholders and the sites are looking excellent. MLN has now handed over remaining reporting responsibilities to NCLLS as stated in the initial funding contract with Environmental Trust. NCLLS staff intend to encourage landholders into the future and notify them of any natural asset improvement support fund opportunities.

The impact

The gap identified by Great Eastern Ranges has been established through partnerships and delivery led by Macleay Landcare. The corridor has since been monitored using camera traps and we have identified a number of native wildlife utilizing the established corridor. MLN has also bolstered revegetation efforts by connecting other corridors through other grants like the Landscape Linkages Program (NCLLS).

Author: Louis Marree

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