1. To conserve biodiversity and maintain ecosystem function in respect of the land and
2. To maintain the land in its natural state and setting, and
3. To provide for the restoration and regeneration of the land. Recognise and raise awareness of the biodiversity values of the Mahogany Creek Reserve as habitat corridor
1. Mitigate further disturbance in bushland by keeping existing track pruned and clear for walking, removal of rubbish. Council to clear any large overhanging branches or trip hazards.
2. Reduce further weed infestation by target weeding of Honeysuckle, Camphor Laurel, Small and Large Leaf Privet, Blackberry and Moth Vine in resilient bushland.
3. Target Madeira Vine weed (northern side of creek, urban interface), to prevent further prop gules spread downstream.
4. With council assistance, contain communities of weeds on (northern side of creek, urban interface), working at a rate commensurate with native vegetation establishment.
5. Raise awareness amongst local residents of the environmental values of Mahogany Creek Reserve
6. Establish links with local schools in the area to use the Mahogany Creek Reserve as an educational resource for students.
7. Increase community awareness with on ground participation and communication amongst local residents/ visitors to site/ Information Days to encourage new volunteer recruitment.
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