Biological Weeds Workshop

Biological Controls for Giant Parramatta Grass, Crofton Weed and presentation on African Love Grass.


09 Mar, 2016 from 09:00 AM to 12:30 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1008)

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Mid North Coast Weeds Co-ordinating Committee
in association with Manning Landcare invites you to a workshop on

New Biological Controls for Crofton Weed and Giant Parramatta Grass
and raising awareness of an emerging weed; African Olive Grass

Key Speakers:
Dr. Louise Morin (Health & Biosecurity, CSIRO, Canberra)
Jeremy Bradley (Beechwood Biological Solutions)
Terry Schmitzer (Regional Weeds Management Officer, MNCWCC)
Mitchell McGrath (Land Services Officer, Hunter Local Land Services)

Krambach School of Arts Hall
9 am - 12 Noon Wednesday 9 March 2016
Morning tea provided
RSVP by 7 March
to Manning Landcare, Alison 0427 570 244 or Lyn 0427 530 681
