Reclaiming Alfred Road Reserve - Killabakh
Reaching Out - LLCI015-001
The issue
Killabakh & Lower Cedar Party Group members looked for a project area that would showcase the benefits of Landcare works to the community. Until this project the Landcare group works had been primarily on private land. Options were discussed and it was decided that Alfred Road Reserve was centrally located, highly visible, totally infested with a good variety of weeds, had a good selection of seed trees (some very large) and once restored the site had community benefit.
Members hoped that by working on a highly visible site:
1. Give group members something they could "get their teeth into"
2. Provide a regeneration project that could showcase what could be achieved
3. Attracted new members to the group.
The solution
Stage 1. Before works began, the group held a weeds information session, on the site to guide volunteers. Removal methods were demonstrated. From this day a plan of works was developed. Working bees were held to remove rubbish, old machinery, weeds and new trees planted to fill in the gaps.The site recovered and the group was so proud of their achievement they wanted to share the area.
Stage 2 -Developed. We decided to produce a self guided walk pamphlet so that travelers could enjoy a walk along the Killabakh Creek amongst the mature trees.The Landcare Group set out to identify, mark and label nineteen trees with the botanical expertise of Terry Evans.
The Group then produced a single page brochure with the nineteen trees described and a map depicting the walking trail. A sign was erected near the roadside with the pamphlet available at the Killabakh Hall Community Information Board
The impact
The Alfred Road site was transformed from a riparian area infested with weeds to a roadside reserve for all to enjoy.Passers by can now stop and follow a self guided walk through magnificent old growth trees and lush native vegetation.The Reserve is alive with birds. The Group attracted several new members and gained confidence working together.Following on from this success the Group now has it's sights on another public area, the Killabakh Gateway Project.Alfred Road Reserve will continue to be maintained by volunteers and Landcare Group members with working bees as required. This project showcased what a dedicated group of individuals could achieve and how a project can develop along the way.
Key facts
- Riparian restoration of 2 ha of dry sclerophyll at Killabakh Creek, Killabakh.
- Raised community awareness, 22 people involved.
- Self guided walk pamphlet developed.