Whole Farm Planning including Habitat Restoration

Working with multiple providers for onground outcomes

Stronger Together - LLCI015-008

The issue

Manning Landcare was approached by new landholders who had purchased land on the Manning River and wanted to make changes to previous management to improve overall outcomes.

We conducted a site visit with the owners taking the time to understand and discuss their desires for the land.  We identified plants & weeds, talked about the importance of riparian vegetation and the mechanics of erosion.  The property is in the region of known habitat for the threatened Manning River Turtle, Bass and is hot spot for Koala activity. ( 3 in trees near the front gate on this 1st visit)  From this initial farm walk we began making plans on a farm map keeping in mind key aims for the future property management.

*  protecting the riparian area and main gullies leading into the Manning River and a second order stream to reduce erosion and nutrient runoff.

*  extending areas of riparian native vegetation with fill-in  plantings where it was deemed to be sub-optimal while allowing for natural regeneration in other areas especially once fenced to exclude stock.

*  retaining areas suitable for grazing and fence those accordingly.

*  provide alternative watering points for stock

*  increasing the number koala food tree species and enhance vegetation diversity.

*  monitor, report and showcase the project to wider community.

The solution

Manning Landcare successfully applied for a grant through the NSW DPI Fish Habitat Action Grants Program to fund exclusion fencing on Manning River & gullies and the planting of 1500 native tubestock.  Koalas in Care assisted by providing CVA volunteers to help plant.  Midcoast Council provided some of the tubestock.  The owners committed to installing fencing with Manning Landcare liaising and providing project support and reporting.

The impact

This project has exceeded it's original targets.   An indigenous school based team hosted by TIDE will start on the site soon as well.


Author: Lyn Booth

Key facts

  • Bringing in multiple agencies, organisations can have surprising benefits and outcomes.
  • Grant funding can be leveraged to enable more than the original project brief.

Project Partners