MCCL wins Environment Award - Australia Day 2017
Muswellbrook Shire Council announced Martindale Creek Catchment Landcare as the winner of the 2017 Environment Award at their annual Australia Day Awards.
Only in operation since December 2014, Martindale Creek Catchment Landcare has had a successful beginning to their activities. Targeting weeds and their impact on agriculture and the environment, MCCL also takes up other projects and issues as identified as important to the local community and within our remit. Membership hovers around 40, with much interest and support from locals and participation by a strong core group.
MCCL also aims to provide education to the community on a range of Landcare-relevant issues, holding field days, training days and workshops within the local area. To date we have held sessions on such topics as weed identification and control; bird identification and surveys; chemical application and handling training; and native grasses in the landscape and agriculture. Upcoming events planned are to follow up on the native grasses with a visit to Col Seis' "Winona" property to see his methods in action, and training sessions for operating camera traps to survey native and feral wildlife around the local area.
MCCL has worked to develop working partnerships with Muswellbrook Shire Council, Hunter LLS, HCCREMS, the Upper Hunter Weeds Authority and other organisations.
President and Secretary, Pauline and Marion, were in attendance at Muswellbrook Shire's Australia Day Awards ceremony to accept this honour for the whole community.
A tree given as part of the award will be planted in memory of a member, Sharyn Franks, who sadly lost her battle with illness recently. Sharyn was (posthumously) awarded the Social Inclusion Award for her work within the Muswellbrook Shire at the Awards ceremony. We give our condolences to her family, and thank Sharyn for her support of MCCL.