Honey Locust Control Program
MCCL has again been successful in securing funding to target Honey Locust in the Catchment, thanks to the Jaramas Foundation and Landcare Australia.
Long planted as a fodder species for stock, Honey Locust (Gleditsia tricanthos) is now listed as a Class 3 Noxious Weed species, with legal requirements for control. Landholders in the catchment for Martindale Creek face a growing weed burden and the Honey Locust is becoming a major feature on the list of invasive plants spreading through the area.
Following from a successful project last year to target two serious emerging weeds in the area with funds from the Jaramas Foundation, MCCL has again been awarded funds to aid farmers in their ongoing battle with weeds. Funds will go towards contracting out control measures, with landholders having the opportunity to take advantage of the project and have initial control provided for free by MCCL.
Control measures are slated for summer, with Agreements to be be put in place for access in the meantime. The Agreements will see the landholder taking on responsibility for removal of debris and follow-up control of regrowth. MCCL hopes with this help to remove part of the burden of weed control from individual farmers across the Catchment, with flow-on effects downstream into the greater Hunter region with reduced stream-borne spread of seed.