Informing the community on pests, weeds and biosecurity

Mid-Lachlan Landcare has run 2 pest animal and weeds roadshows aimed at building local landholder capacities to manage their pest animal and weed problems more efficiently with knowledge and support provided by Mid-Lachlan Landcare, Central Tablelands Local Land Services, the Department of Primary Industries and Cowra Council.

Local Links - Stronger Communities - MEPAAW-CT-01

The issue

With the recent introduction of the Biosecurity Act 2015, our community needed to be informed of the changing roles and responsibilities in managing biosecurity that both landholders and government organisations now share. Mid-Lachlan Landcare wanted to take this opportunity to engage the community to educate and build their capacity in pest animal and weed management in the form of informative and interactive roadshows implemented at a grass roots level.

The solution

After identifying that the region would benefit through greater community awareness in pest animal and weed management, Mid-Lachlan Landcare, Central Tablelands Local Land Services, NSW Department of Primary Industries, and Cowra Council presented 2 roadshow events for landholders, covering Biosecurity legislation from both a weeds and pest animal perspective. In conjunction with this information, presenters were also informed about current management strategies for pest animals and weeds currently present within the local area, and those that may occur in the near future. Community participants learnt about the FeralScan monitoring resource and Weedwise weed ID app for smartphones, as well as the need for reporting pest animals and weeds to management authorities, and using the latest control tools and techniques.

The impact

The roadshow events results in an increased level of community awareness about pest animal and weed management. Landholders and community members reported that they felt more confident managing their pest and weed issues after attending an event. Participants also expressed their interest towards a coordinated approach offered by Mid-Lachlan Landcare in pest animal management, especially regarding foxes and in preparation for the possibility of an influx of wild dogs into the Mid Lachlan region, a matter that very much concerned landholders.

Author: Tracee Burke

Key facts

  • 35 landholders 2 community events
  • Priority pest animal species included the fox and deer
  • Landholders favoured a co-ordinated management approach
  • Practical camera trap demonstration
  • Sticky leaf nightshade recent discovery in the region

Project Partners