Billy Goat Hill Restoration - Project Update February 2014
Woodland Restoration
Mid Lachlan Landcare is currently raising awareness about the importance of conserving remnant woodland vegetation. Billy Goat Hill in Cowra is host to a patch of white box woodland that is degraded due to weed invasion and overgrazing. A small group of dedicated volunteers have been meeting since August last year to help improve vegetation condition by removing weeds and planting of local species of trees and shrubs.
The recent rain has stimulated growth on the hill after a long, dry summer and native grasses are starting to reappear, along with Rock Fern which commonly grows among the granite boulders. The rain has also helped thousands of weed seeds germinate. Farmers friend (Bidens pilosa) seed is germinating in its thousands (perhaps millions) but is easily treatable while it is young and in a carpet-like form.
Over the next few months, Mid Lachlan Landcare will be planting shrub species such as Acacia which provide important food and shelter resources for woodland birds and animals. We will also be trying our hardest to stay on top of the weeds. Currently, MLL is investigating an integrated approach to weed control that will trial a low intensity burn and biological control of Horehound.
Mid Lachlan Landcare meets on the last Saturday of each month from 8.30am at Belleview Hill Reserve near the lookout in Cowra. Everyone is welcome, wear appropriate clothing (long pants,hat and gloves) and bring binoculars for bird watching. Morning tea is supplied.
For more information contact Vanessa Cain midlachlanlandcare@gmail.com or 0405325750.