Growing the Grazing Revolution

Grazing management

Growing the Grazing Revolution aims to engage graziers to learn about and implement sustainable and regenerative grazing practices, as well as support a peer network of graziers who have already changed their management.  The project aims to:

  • increase the number of vibrant, healthy farms producing the best food and fibres
  • support farmers to improve grazing management
  • improve water use efficiency resulting in increased groundcover and feed availability, reducing erosion and salinity, and increasing soil carbon and improving soil health
  • explore and support farming systems which have already demonstrated benefits in the Mid Lachlan Landcare district
  • focus on farming systems which deliver on financial, social and ecological outcomes
  • have a strong emphasis on sharing of experiences, expertise and information about farming systems
  • provide forums for local people to inform the future direction of Mid Lachlan Landcare