Grow Well, Live Well

Grow Well, Live Well: A partnership of community groups engaging youth, the elderly and other community stakeholders

Stronger Together - LLCI006-007

The issue

It was felt that there needed to be better connections with the community than already existed. Schools, Men's Sheds, CWA, Aged Care, Garden Clubs, other community groups and local businesses  were all included to be involved in this project to link environmental care into everyday activities.

Workshops were initiated to provide hands-on activities and demonstrations on drought-proofing your garden, native seed collection, plant propagation and endangered species identification.  Activities included: tree planting; developing a seed library; field trips to Burrendong Arboretum, Coolah Tops National Park and Bilby Blooms Native Nursery.

The solution

Participants learnt new information and skills in the areas of endangered species, seed collecting, growing food, plastic waste reduction, plant propagation, growing food and drought proof gardening.

The schools have gone on to apply and gain funding for additional environment projects.

Switch to Stitch bag making has provided local supermarket and butchers' shop with fabric bags and the group now meets at the Aged Care Hostel in Dunedoo to continue the bag-making.  It has brought together seniors and youth to make reusable bags and reduce the amount of plastic waste thereby.

School students were engaged in collecting oral histories from seniors.

The impact

A new group of community members has become engaged in Landcare activities, and Landcare has a higher profile in the community, receiving more enquiries about environmental issues in general. A core group has established itself with an interest in the environment, food growing and seed collecting.

Key partners were: Dunedoo Central School, St. Michaels School, Made 'n' Grown Markets, TAFE Western, Dunedoo CWA, Dunedoo Men's Shed, Warrumbungle Shire Council, Gilgandra and Coonamble Garden Clubs, It's a Wrap, 5 Star Supermarket,Bilby Blooms, S&S Meats, Darren Matthews Landscaping, Sharon Nott, Instagram Central West and Central West Local Land Services.

Author: Jenny Jones

Key facts

  • A broad section of the community was involved in a wide range of activities with great opportunities for intergenerational learning.
  • A new group of community members has become engaged in Landcare activities.
  • Landcare has a higher profile in the community and is receiving more enquiries.

Project Partners