20th Anniversary Tree Planting in Narrandera

20 years on and still active and engaged

Making a Difference - LLCI011-026

The issue

Narrandera Landcare is celebrating its 20th Anniversary. The question was how to celebrate it in a significant way.

Narrandera Landcare Group (NLG) was provided with a grant to hold a National Tree Day/20th Anniversary tree planting event with the objective ‘to get the local community to engage with the environment, take interest in it, then actively care for it’.  Additional aims of the planting are to provide a ground layer of plants that will provide a handy seedbank for propagating endemic species to reduce the cost of future plantings and to increase biodiversity in the area.

The solution

  1. To engage with the community
  2. Develop partnerships with various schools
    1. Narrandera Public School
    2. Narrandera High School
    3. St Joseph’s Primary school
  3. Raise Facebook profile with notification of upcoming events
  4. Strengthen partnership with Narrandera Shire Council by conducting community events and improving community connectivity
  5. Attracted interest from new arrivals in Narrandera looking to join a community group
  6. Network with other Landcare groups in the region to learn from their experiences

Camera trap footage was shown to participants to assist in engaging them with the improved biodiversity of the original plantings compared to surrounding land. Viewed on screen were kangaroos, wallaby’s and echidna.

The impact

  • 48 students and 6 teachers from two Narrandera Primary Schools plus 21 people ranging in age from 7-92 from Narrandera, Leeton and Coleambally were involved in the plantings
  • 3 Narrandera Life Skills students came to the site and would like to participate in future NLG projects.
  • Over 400 seedlings of mixed trees, shrubs, forbs and grasses were planted

Participants improved their knowledge on biodiversity and experienced the impact of the original plantings 17 years ago.

Author: Kathy Tenison

Key facts

  • Community engagement with 78 participants planting the 20th Anniversary Planting of 400 seedings
  • Planting to provide seeds for propagation and improve biodiversity of the Narrandera’s Manderlay Rd site.

Project Partners