Climate change and the wonderful world of wetlands

Building our Future - LLCI011-042

The issue

Wetlands and environmental water are very important in times of drought particularly in a Ramsar wetland that is home to many endangered and vulnerable species of birds in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area (e.g. endangered – Australasian Bittern, vulnerable – Australian Painted Snipe). In a climate where irrigators, communities and the environment all compete for water - to sustain farming activities, community water supply, environmental and tourism requirements - it is important that all concerned have an understanding of the necessities of each other. Knowing who the players are and their requirements is fundamental in protecting species of birds and frogs all over the world. 

The solution

Providing an opportunity for the education of councils, schools, irrigation organisations, environmental groups, farmers and interested community members, allowing them to learn and ask questions about wetlands.  The workshop and wetland walk at Fivebough Wetlands provided information to major stakeholders on:

  • a global wetland event
  • wetlands in the irrigation area
  • environmental water
  • Ramsar sites and their importance
  • management of wetlands
  • important birds in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area
  • numbers of birds and surveying
  • frogs and their requirements
  • impacts of climate change on wetlands
  • observing and identification of wetland birds.

The impact

60 people attended the wetland workshop and walk. Attendees were from a wide range of organisations from all towns in the region e.g. Griffith, Narrandera, Leeton, Darlington Point and Coleambally. Participation in the event provided an opportunity for:

  • networking with like-minded people to better understand wetlands in local communities
  • collaboration in the writing of papers on the effects of climate change on wetland management
  • management techniques to be discussed in the future
  • improved community understanding on the importance of environmental water
  • improved understanding of the global requirements for migratory birds plus the water management needed for wading birds.
Author: Kathy Tenison

Key facts

  • Stakeholder engagement in a global event with 60 participants in a wetland workshop and walk to identify and listen for birds and frogs
  • Community education to share knowledge and expertise on wetland management and climate change impacts.

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