Combating Weeds in the Tarcutta Valley

Tarcutta Landcare undertake strategic and coordinated blackberry rust release

Making a Difference - LLCI010-005

The issue

At a local landcare meeting, landholders raised concerns about the rapid spread of invasive woody-weeds in the Tarcutta Valley. Woody-weeds, in particular the blackberry, are causing significant degradation to remnant native vegetation, farmland, hillsides and watercourses across the Tarcutta Valley. The problem has spread beyond the capacity of the individual landholder or land manager to address and required a strategic and coordinated control approach.

The solution

Tarcutta Valley Landcare hosted a weed information session where participants were provided with information on how to identify and manage woody-weeds on their farm. Paul McPherson, from Snowy Valleys Council, provided information on biocontrol techniques to control the spread of blackberry, including detailing examples of rust varieties suitable to Tarcutta. Participants learnt that leaf rust fungus (or more commonly known as “rust”) will attack blackberry and reduce its growth, reproduction and competitive abilities. Further, rust can be highly efficient at spreading by natural means and will colonise blackberry when environmental conditions are suitable. Equipped with knowledge on biocontrol techniques, the Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group planned and implemented a strategic release of blackberry rust.

The impact

Blackberry rust was released across six farms in the Tarcutta Valley. The strategy aimed to facilitate the natural spread of the rust to effectively weaken blackberry populations at a catchment-level. The success of this project remains inconclusive, however landholders are continuing to work together to control blackberry through traditional herbicide applications.

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • The weed blackberry has spread beyond the control capacity of the individual landholder
  • Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group planned and implemented a strategic release of blackberry rust
  • Blackberry rust was release across six farms in the Tarcutta Valley

Project Partners