Farming Smarter in Dry times
How do you get the best out of your farm in dry times?
Collaborations - LP-011-001
The issue
In drought conditions it is essential to ‘farm smarter’ but how do you do that? Farmers would like to get the best out of their feed rations, so when landholders are buying in feed (hay or grain) the question becomes - how much of that feed do they need? Understanding feed requirements and feed analysis is imperative.
Another issue is controlling the Noxious Weed Silverleaf Nightshade. It is considered a weed of huge significance and being able to keep it under control on farms around Corobimilla and Morundah is of enormous importance to the local farmers.
The solution
Speaking with two wonderful case study farmers in the area who provided an insight into their operations was invaluable. Combining that with a Principal Researcher in Weeds and an expert in BESTWOOL/BESTLAMB and Lifetime Ewe Production built the groups confidence.
A double knockdown spray is required for Silverleaf Nightshade with the first in December to minimise seed set and the second in April when temperatures decrease.
The field day provided practical identification of stages of growth of Silverleaf Nightshade, plus hands-on experience in condition scoring ewes, learning the top 10 tips of increasing lamb production and assessing feed value.
The impact
Thirty people attended the field day. Landholders learnt from Dr Hanwen Wu the importance of quarantine areas for stock movement, good farm hygiene, avoiding grazing berries and cooperation with neighbours on fence lines and roadsides when controlling Silverleaf Nightshade.
Over lunch at Morundah Pub, the group were full of chatter which indicated the need to have more regular catch ups in the area to understand what other topics of interest would assist landholders. Dr Kristy Howards believes ‘Lifetime ewe management’ would complement the days learnings and understanding ‘Feed on Offer’ in the paddock in greater detail could improve lamb production.
Key facts
- Cooperation with neighbours is essential to control Silverleaf Nightshade
- Condition scoring of ewes and assessing the nutrient value of all feed sources will improve lamb production