Fire Recovery at Reedy Creek Park
Landcare engaging with Batlow community groups to help fire recovery at Reedy Creek Park.
Community Participation - NSWLP-011-056
The issue
After the Black Summer fires of 2019-20 the community of Batlow was left with a massive rebuild and the repercussions of being hit hard by this catastrophic event, as a high impact zone.
Reedy Creek Park is an entry to town and the site of ongoing community plans. Landcare Bushfire Project Officers were able to jump in on the conversations and bring parts of the recovery solution, via Bushfire Local Economic recovery funding from the Australian and NSW governments.
The solution
At Reedy Creek in Batlow, weed control and restoration activities have attracted local volunteers, keen to explore ways to bring the bush back whilst also addressing community safety and resilience. Our Bushfire Project Officers have been able to take part in planning days and community forums and take on some of the actions put forward by different community members and agencies.
The Snowy Valley recovery hub was a vital forum for these actions and to understand what various private land managers, partners and government agencies could provide in a collective recovery effort.
The park provided a focal point for locals to contribute to a positive community activity, learn about the needs of the environment and begin to heal with their own plans.
Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Funding from the Australian and NSW Government has enabled Landcare to be part of these important landscape management conversations.
After the clean up by bulldozers to remove fallen and hazardous trees, two workshops were held to revegetate areas. One focused on revegetating with Poa grasses and selective weeding to aid the regenerating vegetation. The other one focused on Broome eradication, as it has taken a foothold after the fires.
The National Parks and Wildlife Service conducted education around treatments for Broome and the Batlow Rotary Club co-hosted all the planning meetings and the events.
The impact
There is a continued engagement in restoring Reedy Creek Park with plans driven by the community, as it is an ongoing focal site. A community identified issue, Broome eradication, has been resourced via many agencies. Landcare was able to host the community education workshop in response to agency and community requests, whilst agencies targeted this weed on their own land in a collective campaign.
Key facts
- Community engagement.
- Bushfire recovery