Landcare and Council: It works well in Wagga!

A successful relationship with your Local Council can have huge benefits for Landcare groups

Collaborations - LEP23_036_RLC1_1

The issue

Establishing and maintaining a partnership with Council, businesses and community groups can be of great benefit to a local Landcare group. Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare (WWUL) and Wagga Wagga City Council run several events each year in partnership, allowing us to share the tasks associated with organisation, promotion and delivery, and resulting in activities which have a far greater impact than had we been operating separately. But for many groups, there are often hurdles which prevent positive partnerships with their Local Council.

The solution

For over ten years, Council have supported WWUL in our activities. The relationship began with an invitation to Council staff to attend our meetings to learn about our group. This progressed into the groups actively participating in, and supporting, each other’s activities. Support includes sharing knowledge and contacts, promoting each partners work and activities, and volunteering to assist at each other’s events.

WWUL also maintains a fruitful relationship with a local building company, which funds our annual calendar of revegetation projects. Another partnership is with the local university, who share valuable knowledge, resources and often volunteers for our workshops and events.

The impact

A great relationship with your local Council, and other organisations, can begin just be reaching out to them - explain what your group does and what you have achieved, and highlight any common goals between your group and the potential partner. For example, many Councils have targets around educating the community in natural resource management. By demonstrating that working with Landcare can help them meet their own goals, you present a strong case for them to work with you!

Remember that relationships do not need to be financial to be beneficial! Councils in particular are often strapped for cash, but in-kind support can be a major benefit. 

Author: Nicole Maher

Key facts

  • A partnership may take time to build, but once your Landcare group has a good working relationship with Council or local organisations you will wonder how you managed without them!

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