Oberne Valley Pest Masterclass

Pest training and forming a pest animal management group

Stronger Together - MEPAAW2-RV-01

The issue

Wild dogs, feral pigs, foxes, and increasingly deer populations, are having a significant impact on the local farmers and with most information sessions, they only just scratch the surface on the latest population updates and tools. There are not very many opportunities to go in the field and get an in-depth demonstration of multiple management methods and technique for more than one species.      

Additionally, within the Oberne Valley, mixed farming enterprises of grazing and copping, border corporate pine plantations, state forest, and national parks, making a lot of different stakeholder groups to engage and collaborate with for effective pest management.   

The solution

Murrumbidgee Landcare coordinated with Local Land Services, Pest Lures, and a long list or corporate bodies to attend and collaborate in the project. The three-part project included:

First, a pre feeding and monitoring survey to set a base line for future record. Showing animal movements, sign and marking territory on the 30th of September at the ‘Nundi’ property.  

Second a theory-based presentation on the strategic actions, behaviour, and ecology was held, 2nd of October in the morning, followed by the third part, in the field demonstrations of trapping set up and types, bait stations, which types of lures to use and effectiveness.

The impact

5 people participated in the base line property survey, 12 people for the theory and strategic presentation and 15 people in the field for traps and landscape movements. As a result of the event, the Oberne Valley Landholders are very strong in their stance for creating a formal Oberne Valley Pest Animal Management Group. With the assistance of LLS and Landcare, this group will demonstrate to other landholders and corporate businesses, the importance and effectiveness of coordinated management actions.     

Brittany Turner, Project Officer.

Author: Britt Hicks

Key facts

  • Three events held
  • 32 people engaged
  • A pest animal management group formed

Project Partners
