Report……What Report?

Failure to achieve milestones and final reporting requirements due to disjointed governance and succession within a committee.

Making a Difference - LLCI010-018

The issue

The group lost their Chair who dedicated themselves to the group passed away. One project was incomplete with limited milestones completed and no data outcomes for reporting. This was due to the project’s primary carriage by the chair and sparse committee involvement. With the chair’s passing, no succession in place and the disjointed governance of the previous group the project failed to be completed and no report was submitted. The project was also overspend in some sections. When the funding organisation requested the report 12-18 months later there was a lack of information and knowledge on the project status to complete the report requirements.

The solution

The Local Landcare Coordinator has worked with the Landcare groups to assist in improving governance and record keeping. The Coordinator for the region worked with the funding organisation, local Landcare group, Riverina LLS and the project consultant to collate all the information and records to complete the final report for approval. As there were unspent funds and incomplete milestones the group had to re-pay some of the grant to the funding organisation whilst enduring some of cost from the overspent sections in the project.

The impact

The report was completed and approved by the funding organisation even though the project failed to complete some key milestones and produce results. There is now a record of the report, financials and correspondence for future references for the group and committee. The group has put into place some governance measures to restructure information sharing in emails to maintain records for future committee successions.

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • The final report was completed and approved but some of the project milestones and budgets were not monitored correctly
  • Groups must abide by the funding organisation’s requirements and clauses
  • The LLC was available to collating the report with the assistance of Riverina LLS

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