Revegetating a community
Revegetation projects at Coolamon are reaping benefits for people as well as the wildlife
Making a Difference - LLCI010–012
The issue
Coolamon Shire is home to some rare stands of remnant Grassy Box Woodland communities on both private and public land. Species studies have indicated the presence of some rare and beautiful plants such as the Chocolate lily (Dichopogon strictum) which, when in flower, smells like a chocolate milkshake! The Kindra State Forest also provides important habitat for threatened species including the Superb Parrot, Swift Parrot, Red Capped Robin and vulnerable Grey Crowned Babbler. The landscape, although modified heavily by grazing and bike riders, retains some ecosystem and species diversity through hosting a variety of habitats, ecological communities and ecological processes. These remnant refuges are now under threat from dieback, grazing and fragmentation.
The solution
Coolamon Landcare is a small community based group that focuses on improving the natural environment and visual amenity of the local Coolamon area. The group has conducted numerous on-farm and public land revegetation projects such as the Wagga Road Rehabilitation project, the Kindra State Forest Revegetation project and the Coolamon Travelling Stock Route Revegetation project.
The impact
The connectivity created by the protection and revegetation of trees, shrubs, grasses and groundcovers will be of great importance in promoting the ongoing self-regeneration of natural ecosystems, and in allowing the movement of animals between patches for foraging and breeding at high conservation value sites.
Planting native vegetation corridor networks as a community helps to raise community awareness of the value of native plants in the landscape. The added bonus of revegetation works is that not only do native plants provide habitat for a diverse range of animals, but areas replanted in the Coolamon Shire have now become popular places for public recreation.
Key facts
- Coolamon Landcare works to connect rare stands of remnant Grassy Box Woodland communities.
- Communities that interact with their environment will care for their environment