Riverina MEPAAW at the Henty Machinery Field Days
Taking to the Henty Machinery Field Days to engage the community with local experts
Reaching Out - MEPAAW2-MB-01
The issue
Following the previous five Riverina Regional Pest and Weeds Roadshows, it was evident that many local people are unaware of how to find weed and pest information and services within their community. As an extension of that Roadshow series, we wanted to reach a greater audience and provide those details.
The solution
A one-page flyer was produced, like a phone book for pest and weed managers, that made it easy to find regional coordinators, local officers and Murrumbidgee Landcare staff.
Murrumbidgee Landcare set up a display stand within the Landcare shed at the Henty Machinery Field Days, to take advantage of the thousands of people that flock to the annual event. Over the three days, from Tuesday the 17th to Thursday the 19th of September, Murrumbidgee staff chatted with a vast audience of people, from farmers to urban landcarers, environmental enthusiasts to university lecturers or students.
The impact
Over 1047 people walked through the Landcare doors over the three days with at least 117 people talking with our staff regarding pest animals or weeds in their local area. There were some hot topics on Indian Miner birds, cats, silverleaf nightshade, and Chilean needle grass. Each person took home a print out of our Riverina Key Contacts flyers with contact details of each Weed Officer and Biosecurity officer in the region. Participants also had the chance to speak directly to Weed officers and Biosecurity Officers who were in attendance with their own stalls.
Brittany Turner, Project Officer.
Key facts
- 3 day event
- Over 1047 people through the Landcare Shed
- Over 117 people talking weeds and pests