Roadside Revegetators
Students learn about roadside vegetation in the Riverina
Community Participation - NSWLP-011-030
The issue
Due to the ongoing demands of infrastructure maintenance and replacement, a section of roadside vegetation was required to be cleared for installation of a new waterpipe.
Across the Riverina, roadside vegetation along roadsides are critical corridors and habitat for species such as Superb and Swift Parrots. Protecting and revegetating these areas is critical to their ongoing functionality and survival in the landscape.
The solution
Goldenfields Water organised 50 school students from local schools to attend a morning of tree planting at the site. Murrumbidgee Landcare provided assistance planning the project and selected over 220 trees to be planted which representing the threatened ecological community of Inland Grey Box Woodland. The students got down and dirty (very literally) and completed the planting complete with tree guards in record time!
The impact
Students learnt about the importance of preserving roadside vegetation, and also the threats such as firewood collection and clearing. They also learnt about the species being planted and the birds that rely on them, and we discussed why we plant a variety of species in a revegetation site. Finally, the kids were shown site preparation and planting techniques including assembly tricky tree guards!
Key facts
- 50 students attended
- 220 trees and guards fitted in just over an hour!
- Students were engaged and interested in environment
- Revegetation of a critical roadside area carried out