Sparking a new partnership

A partnership with the local campus of TAFE NSW has provided local Landcare members with a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills together

Sparking a new partnership

A partnership with the local campus of TAFE NSW has provided local Landcare members with a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills together

Collaborations -


The issue

In order to ensure we are providing opportunities that meet the needs of all the Landcare groups in our region, MLi spoke to each group about their goals, future project ideas, training needs and issues they faced as a group. The process provided us with a wealth of information from which we could focus our future support activities. One simple theme which came up again and again was the desire of members to complete training in basic skills they could use on their property - such as welding.

The solution

Knowing that the local TAFE ran welding courses, we decided to contact them and see whether we could arrange a course just for Landcare members. Much to our delight, TAFE were very happy to arrange a special Landcare welding course - and even facilitated an application for funding assistance, allowing it to be offered to landholders free of charge!

The course was quickly filled, and a second was also fully subscribed. Unfortunately, delays to the starting date meant that the second course had to be postponed, as it would have taken place during the busy harvest period - but we are hopeful that we can reschedule the course for later in 2021.

The impact

The course brought together Landcare members from four different Landcare groups, building new friendships and facilitating lots of cross-group networking. The opportunity to complete the course in the ‘safe’ environment of a Landcare group encouraged many women to participate, and we were pleased that over half the participants in our first course were women!

We are now looking at additional courses TAFE offer, and how we can bring together groups of Landcare members to complete the courses together. Even without the benefit of funding to cover course fees, we believe the opportunity to learn new skills with like-minded people is a key factor in attracting members to enroll.

Key facts

  • 45 people applied to complete the first course
  • One 10-week course completed at no cost to participants
  • Currently discussing future opportunities with TAFE

Project Partners