Strontian Road Landcare tackle salinity 1991-2019

Strontian Road Landcare transfer funds to help others

Taking Action - LLCI010-041

The issue

The Strontian Road Landcare Group (SRLG) formed in 1991 in response to salinity issues in the late 1980’s. Like most groups, it was formed when there is a problem which requires cooperation from many people in order to deal with it.

The problem for the landholders in, and bordering on, the Laragh Basin, was the increasing soil salinity, which was gradually laying waste to ever-increasing areas along the Strontian Road. Large Redgums which had stood for centuries started to die, pastures and crops failed to thrive, and dam water became increasingly salty.

The solution

With the help, advice and funding from many agencies and individuals: Conservation and Land Management (CALM), Department of Water Resources, (later Department of Land and Water Conservation), Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority, NSW Salt Action, CSIRO, Greening Australia, National Action Plan Enviro Fund, Roads & Maritime, Soil Conservation Officers, DPI Wagga Research Centre etc. members of the SRLG set about planting trial plots of salt-tolerant species, installing piezometers to monitor the watertable, and visiting sites in other areas where action has been taken to deal with saline soils.

The impact

Within two years of the first meeting, approximately 10,000 trees were planted and 600 ha of perennial pastures such as lucerne were established. This was followed by large plantings of both Old Man Saltbush and local native species of trees and shrubs over several properties both within the catchment and those bordering it. Improvement was in evidence over the next few years – visually, as well as from objective measurements regarding soil and water salt concentrations. After many year of wonderful work SRLG decided to close, transferring left over funds to the Narrandera Landcare Group to continue their wonderful work.

Author: Kathy Tenison

Key facts

  • Members of the SRLG where able to combat salinity in the area.
  • They also expanded their vision to include issues such as sustainable agriculture and conservation of biodiversity and habitat.