Tarcutta Landcare Rejuvenation

A 26-year old Landcare group revived through succession planning and industry support

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI010-008

The issue

The Tarcutta Valley Landcare group was one of the first Landcare groups to establish in NSW. Despite our long history, in recent years the involvement of many landholders in Landcare shrank to a level that led to concern for its future in the current form. This was due in part to lack of support from a Landcare Coordinator and in part due to fatigue of long-serving committee members. At a Landcare meeting held in February 2016 a motion was moved to notify the community that the Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group would fold at their Annual General Meeting (AGM) in June, unless the group received committed community support and an executive committee.

The solution

For the group to thrive, we needed to refresh our understanding of the common concerns held by the community and ask landholders what support they required from a Landcare group. Two things happened; first, we gained support of key members of the community who rallied together to spread the word that the group was folding; and second, a Landcare think tank was conducted where farmers spoke openly with other farmers about shared issues, and through sharing ideas they developed solutions together. This effectively provided direction for the Landcare group.

The impact

Twenty people attended the AGM in June at the Humula Club. A new Executive was successfully appointed, with a surge of excitement for the prospect of future workshops and on-ground works. The Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group now has an active committee and a membership of around 38 rural landholders, and has already conducted a variety of workshops for the community.  More projects and workshops are already being planned – ensuring that Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group is alive and active!


The success of any Landcare group relies on appropriate succession planning and an appropriate level of industry support.

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • One of the first Landcare groups established in NSW.
  • Had decided to fold at its AGM in June 2016.
  • Has been rejuvenated and now has 38 active members.
  • With a little bit of support, Landcare is back and more active than ever

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