The Landcare Irrigation Area Collective

A meeting of minds for the benefit of Landcare

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI010-003

The issue

In the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area (MIA) there are a number of people employed within different organisations as natural resource management officers.  Within their portfolio these people have worked on individual projects and achieved small, though important, outcomes.  However, much of this work has gone unnoticed.  There has never been a process or system in place for these organisations to share information, resources and planning to maximise natural resource management outcomes.

The solution

The Landcare Irrigation Area Collective was formulated to promote and build community partnerships and to ensure effective and collaborative Natural Resource Management planning and education.  The aim was to use the group’s collective skills and knowledge to help each other with regional NRM activities and to restore a strong and vibrant Landcare Community, promote sustainable agriculture and natural resource management through on-ground works, education and best practice.  The Landcare Irrigation Area Collective now has representatives from Murrumbidgee Irrigation, Riverina Local Land Services, Leeton Shire Council, Ricegrowers’ Association, CottonInfo, the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder’s Office, Griffith Shire Council, the Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists, the Department of Primary Industries, the Bitterns in Rice Project, and National Parks and Wildlife.

The impact

The group meets on a regular basis and keeps in contact through email. The network provides the perfect mechanism for the promotion of NRM events, such as workshops and field days. Guest speakers are invited if the group determines they have a particular need.  So far the group has been instrumental in organising a Threatened Species Tour in February 2016 where the Threatened Species Commissioner, Mr Gregory Andrews, visited the region. The itinerary included visits to the habitats of the area’s threatened bird species such as the Australasian Bittern, Plains Wanderer, Superb Parrot and Painted Honey Eater at Barren Box Storage, and the Ramsar listed wetland - Fivebough.


While many passionate individuals can achieve small outcomes, it is far better to harness their passion into a group to achieve larger outcomes.

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • Total membership has increased from 11 to 20.
  • 1,000 trees planted at Fivebough Wetland at a Fivebough Community Planting day.
  • Identification of the need for a NRM regional planning day to plan for 2017.

Project Partners