Waste Warriors - Narrandera Public

What’s rubbish and what is not?

Waste Warriors - Narrandera Public

What’s rubbish and what is not?

Community Participation -


The issue

Regional NSW has a recycling service for kerbside bins, however the facilities for each town and the service they provide over the state are varied in the towns and cities. A lot of the recycling placed into yellow waste bins in Leeton, Griffith, Darlington Point and Narrandera are sent to Kurrajong Recycling. The quality of waste they receive could be improved if the community were made aware of the working conditions and the problems associated with quality control in the recycling centre. Problems of WHS for the staff and efficiency of the business can be improved with community education.

The solution

  1. Run workshops with two Community Groups to educate them on the need for good quality recycling and safe work conditions for disabled people working at Kurrajong Recycling.
  2. Visit Narrandera Public School (Who have a Waste Warrior Team) to demonstrate the correct method of recycling for their local area.
  3. Speak with Narrandera Landcare prior to Clean up Australia Day to engage the group in careful recycling practices in their own homes as well as work and volunteer environments.
  4. Engage the Local Narrandera Council for the evening workshop to provide a local conversation about the recycling needs of the town.

The impact

Thirty children attended the school workshop to hear the discussion and ask questions about recycling. The Waste Warriors demonstrated their waste recycling practices. Suggestions on improvements were made by the Education Officer Elizabeth Madden from Kurrajong Recycling. A visit to the school garden showed how organic waste is used as feed for poultry and worms.

Seventeen members of Narrandera Landcare attended an evening meeting. Also attending were two members of the Narrandera Council who provided an update on the latest rate payers survey results on the need for organic waste recycling bins. Participants indicated a greater understanding on the need for careful recycling.

Key facts

  • Good recycling practices lead to a better recycled product and improved work conditions for disabled workers at Kurrajong Recycling.
  • Recycling methods and facilities vary in towns throughout NSW, so it is important to understand the best way to recycle in your local area.