We are a small group in a wonderful little town called Murrurundi. We have been working along the Page’s River in Wilson Memorial Oval to repair and restore the natural habitat of the Page’s River.
We have had several working bees every second Sunday where we have weeded, mowed, whipper snipped & done intensive weed eradication of invasive weeds. We are now in the process of replanting over 100 trees and small shrubs to restore the natural surroundings of this area. We are very proud of our expedition so far and eventually would like to create a bridge to bridge river walk. We know this will be a long slow process but we are more than happy to follow this project through to the end.
Our group has also been involved in cleaning up the entrance to town which is a truck stop and also has undercover tables for travellers to stop for a break. We have regular clean-up days and have supplied garbage bins both sides of the road and have signage put up to say this is a Landcare project. Our group is only small but we are a force to reckon with, we are the Page’s River Warriors after all.
Working Bees for our Page's River Project