Club to Club Project
Restoring native habitat along Muscle Creek in the heart of Muswellbrook.
Taking Action - LLCI014-064
The issue
It’s the universal problem, a creek through an urban area becoming choked with weeds.
Muscle Creek in Muswellbrook has been losing the fight against many problem weeds including Balloon Vine, Madeira Vine, Morning Glory and Large-leaved Privet. The fact that such weed infestations degrade native communities is made worse by the fact that it is coming at the expense of the remnant endangered Hunter Floodplain Red Gum Woodland that is found along the creek.
The solution
Through the NSW Government’s Environmental Trust, Muswellbrook Shire Council was able to receive funding for the three year Club to Club Project which focuses on rehabilitating the stretch of Muscle Creek between Muswellbrook Golf Club and Muswellbrook District Workers Club.
With an aim of getting the local community involved in Muscle Creek Landcare and looking after their natural areas, the project involved three volunteer working bees over the Club to Club Weekend which occurred from Saturday 1st to Monday 3rd of April.
The impact
As a result of the Club to Club Weekend 240 native riparian trees were planted and approximately 3000m2 of weeds were removed. We managed to attract a total of 55 volunteers over the weekend that included Landcarers, local residents, members of the local snooker club, and visitors that travelled up from Newcastle including members of Hunter Intrepid Landcare.
Through the partnership with Muswellbrook District Workers Club we were able to reach a wider demographic of people, and connect them with the local Landcare community. With both the organisers and participants calling the event a success, the future of the Club to Club Project, and Muscle Creek itself is looking bright.
Key facts
- 55 Volunteers over 3 days
- 240 native riparian trees planted
- Approximately 3000 square meters of weeds removed
- Part of a 3 year project funded by the NSW Government’s Environmental Trust