A new era: attracting young people to Landcare

Nambucca Valley Landcare, together with Bellingen Landcare and Macleay Landcare host Intrepid Landcare Workshop

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI033-084

The issue

Nambucca Shire has the fifth oldest population of any shire in the state. Lots of young people leave the valley’s green pastures for the city once they finish school, and there is a distinct lack of activities and engagement opportunities for young people in the valley. As a result, our Landcare groups are primarily comprised of, well...people with lots of life experience. While active landholders with time, resources and skills are are a fantastic membership base, we'd love to get more young people involved with Landcare to future-proof the movement.

The solution

Young people across NSW are starting Intrepid Landcare groups, mixing conservation projects and outdoor adventure on day and weekend trips to amazing places. With our countless recreational opportunities on private and public land, from the coasts to the rivers and mountains, there are a huge range of ways young people can get stuck into nature. We certainly don't have a shortage of weeding and planting work get into, either.

Nambucca, Macleay and Bellingen Landcare reached out to team at Intrepid Landcare for help - and it arrived in the form of a fantastic Intrepid Landcare Youth Engagement Workshop.

The impact

The workshop was brilliant. We had a mixed group of local young people, interested parents, Landcare coordinators, and young farmers. The presenters filled our group with inspiration into how small groups of young people can make a huge impact on their environment - all while having a blast in the process. We were equipped with the tools and confidence to start our own Mid-North Coast Intrepid Landcare group, and we spent the afternoon session brainstorming and planning our first event for later in the year. Watch this space!

Author: alyssa

Key facts

  • The Mid-North Coast has an ageing population - and that is represented in our Landcare groups
  • Our region has been looking at new ways of attracting young people to the movement
  • The Intrepid Landcare workshop gave us the tools and confidence to start our own Mid-North Coast Intrepid Landcare group

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