Fish Habitat Restoration Program

Riverbank restoration works and riparian plantings were undertaken across four properties to enhance river health.

Capacity to Deliver - XXXX

The issue

Historic land management in the Nambucca Valley has involved widespread tree clearing. Additionally, cattle are still grazed right to the edge of the river on many properties. This continues to damage the riverbanks and leads to high levels of erosion. The past few years of constant rain and numerous floods have significantly impacted the stability riverbanks in the Nambucca River system. This has led to large amounts of erosion resulting in loss of grazing land and negatively impacting the water quality in River system. 

The solution

Nambucca Valley Landcare delivered a project with Nambucca Valley Council that focussed upon riverbank restoration and fish habitat over 4 properties. Landcare worked with the landholders to install fillets along the riverbank which act as mangrove and fish habitat. Mangroves started germinating within 8 weeks of works begin completed – completely out of season! Soon these fillets will be full of mangroves, which in turn provides fish breeding habitat and results in a healthier fish population throughout the catchment.

All four properties have now fenced off their river access – a total of 2.1kms of fencing was installed. A community planting day was held on one of these properties, as the fenced off areas were planted out with endemic species, overall, more than 3,900 plants were planted

The impact

This project resulted in an immediate reduction in sediment entering our waterways. The installed fillets captured any sediment from bank erosion and the fillets have provided a safe place for mangrove seeds to germinate. Germinating mangrove seeds can be easily disturbed by boat wash and the fillets provide protection to the young mangroves so they have time to establish their root system. Mangroves started germinating in Autumn (out of season), within 8 weeks of completing the fillets, which provides us with high expectations of mangrove recruitment in late Spring.

This project has protected 2.1kms of riverbank from further damage by cattle grazing. This will allow the bank to revegetate and help to improve the water quality of our river system. Three of the properties are located in the same reach of the Nambucca River and as such, the impact of our works is greater than if they were scattered throughout the catchment.

Author: Ainslie Ashton

Key facts

  • Riparian plantings are key to helping reduce the risk of major erosion.
  • Mangroves need a safe location to germinate.
  • Fencing off the river from grazing stock is a vital step to ensure bank stability.

Project Partners