Four endangered ecological communities protected

Nambucca Valley Landcare's Protecting Endangered Ecological Communities at Northern Nambucca project has triumphed.

Four endangered ecological communities protected

Nambucca Valley Landcare's Protecting Endangered Ecological Communities at Northern Nambucca project has triumphed.

Capacity to Deliver -


The issue

In 2016, Nambucca Valley Landcare identified a massive incursion of weeds in four different endangered ecological communities - swamp sclerophyll, coastal salt marsh, swamp oak forest and littoral rainforest. This area is home to a huge array of different flora and fauna - without doubt a biodiversity hotspot. The area was infested with cassia (Senna pendula var. glabrata), and other weeds were creeping in from the urban fringe, including coral berry (Ardisia crenata), exotic ginger and asparagus fern (Asparagus setaceus).

The solution

Nambucca's Local Landcare Coorindator was able to asses the site and develop a project proposal for funding from the NSW Environmental Trust. Following a successful bid and over approximately $98K in funding, bush regenerators and tireless community volunteers tackled the site for three years, mostly hand pulling each weed to protect the vulnerable native vegetation.

The impact

Today, the site is leaping back, with a stunning expansion of native groundcover, shrubs, trees and palms. It is home to incredible diversity, which is now flourishing without competition from dominating weeds. The level of natural regeneration and reduction in weed cover has been remarkable. This was the primary output of the project, and means the stunning EECs within the project area have been restored.

Further, the project has identified, mobilised, and supported and engaged, a dedicated and capable group of volunteers. The volunteers have expanded our project area and they ensure the site will be maintained into the future.

You can find this amazing place by following the footbridge across from Hyland Park and tracking south towards Nambucca.

Key facts

  • Over 25ha of EECs were restored over three years by bush regenerators and volunteers.
  • The project was only possible with the support of the NSW Landcare Program and NSW Environmental Trust

Project Partners