Nambucca River Guardians - Flood Recovery

Local primary school students and teachers join together to help the Nambucca River recover from major flooding while protecting their river's future

Nambucca River Guardians - Flood Recovery

Local primary school students and teachers join together to help the Nambucca River recover from major flooding while protecting their river's future

Community Participation -


The issue

The 2021 and 2022 flooding in the mid-north coast was extreme, and caused massive damage in all parts of the catchment. Sites that had been repaired with structural works and revegetated in previous years could not withstand the record rainfall events and prolonged wet. Many planted trees were broken, drowned or ripped out entirely. With funding for these sites finished, there was no budget to pay for contractors to repair the flood damage. 

The solution

Through the Landcare Coordinator Program, a group of young 'Nambucca River Guardians' was identified, assembled and mobilised to support the river recover from a year of devastating rain. Local schools were canvassed for support, and a group of keen river guardians was formed. Despite three events postponed due to weather, students for different schools in Bowraville met at the river to learn share their experiences about what makes a river healthy, why it is important, and how they can best look after it. The team cleaned up flood debris, replaced small rocks to the structural works, and planted 240 trees along the river bank. 

The impact

Coastal communities in NSW have been impacted by a series of natural disasters, starting with drought, which lead to the 2019/20 bushfires, which exacerbated 2021/22 flooding. Not only were farmers and landholders affected, but also families and children living within rural towns, especially Bowraville, which was evacuated and isolated at several times over this period. Taking action on-ground at the local level is essential for the recovery and resilience of the community, helping people feel confident that change is within their influence. The Nambucca River Guardian Project helps bring that capacity to families and children, with physical, emotional and educational benefits for all participants.  

Key facts

  • Extreme flooding and rainfall caused extensive damage to regenerating river sites over 2021-22.
  • A group of Nambucca River Guardians was formed from local school students and teachers.
  • The Guardians are engaged, confident and working to restore their local river reach.

Project Partners