2020 update
Bushcare during Covid19
2020 began slowly due to wet weather. Our back to work session was conducted in bad weather and indeed the first couple of sessions were cancelled due to rain. The site experienced some flash flooding with damage to a large cabbage tree palm which was ripped from the ground by flood waters.
Then, just as we were ready for autumn, our work was suspended due to Covid 19 lockdowns across NSW.
When we were able to resume it was a Covid safe bushcare program. No longer were we sharing foods at our morning tea break. We sat in a big circle for our rest break and discussed our new reality of hand sanitiser and social distancing. It was a great way to connect for those who were working from home or felt isolated over the previous weeks to be back at bushcare and being in nature was very soothing.
As winter turned into spring we gained 5 additional volunteers which was wonderful.
With more rain this year our site is looking green and lush. Spring flowering Gosford wattles were at their best for many years. We are still solarising the trad. with compost described as having the colour of 'chocolate ganache' it was certainly a rich compost mix to fertilise our natives with.